Friday, June 1, 2012

Baby Registry

As a first time parent the Newborn essentials list can be very overwhelming.  I ended up separating things that we really need and things that I just want and we NEED a lot of stuff!

Looking back on your list, are there items that you said you didn't need but you found yourself not being able to live without?


  1. This is a great conversation post - I have been curious about the same things for our baby registry. I've been trying to think about our other friends and what they said they used more than other things. For example - the baby bullet - one friend was determined she was going to make homemade baby food, then barely uses hers. Another friend, loves her and uses it all the time!
    I know one thing that all of my friends use all the time is a Boppy. Everyone I know swears by it! :)

    1. My friend got a diaper pail that wasn't on her registry and now she swears by it and was glad she got it as a gift.

      So I am curious to see if other people had similar items.

      I registered for the baby bullet. If I end up being a stay at home mom I will most likely be making food because I will have the time for it anyways.

  2. steam the food and then use your food processor no need for the baby bullet. makes smaller batches and you'll feel like you're always running out. if you cloth diaper then just a regular trashcan with lid does a great job as a diaper pail
