Sunday, August 5, 2012

Homecoming Shopping Trip

If you ever vacation in Honolulu, you have to check out Ala Moana Mall.  It's the largest open air mall in the world, the 15th largest shopping mall in America, and the largest mall in Hawaii.  I still haven't mastered how to get around in this mall.  It has everything from high end stores such as Gucci to low end stores like an ABC store.

My reason for going today was a shopping trip with the girls.  We were on a mission.  That mission was to find dresses for our husband's homecoming.  For those of you who have no clue what I am talking about, it's basically shopping for that perfect outfit to show your husband how good you look after he has been away for a deployment.  Chances are, he isn't going to care what you are wearing...I could go in a potato sack and he would think I look like the most amazing woman he has ever seen because we haven't seen each other in what seems like forever.

There are a bunch of blog posts that I have read with military wives giving "advice" to other's about what they should and should not wear to their husband's homecoming.  Personally, I don't care what any of these pages say because I feel like you should be able to wear whatever is comfortable for you.  My husband works in a department where it takes them hours after they dock the boat to "shut down".  So I am NOT going to be waiting on the pier in a mini skirt and 6 inch heels.  Although, I think it would take some serious skill to do that pregnant anyways.

I found my dress on a return rack in a dressing room while one of my friends was trying on dresses.  And...surprisingly it fit! And it wasn't maternity which is always an awesome feeling.

For me this is a perfect dress for a homecoming.  I don't have to worry about anyone seeing my prize and goodies, and it's light weight so I won't be dying of heat.  Plus it made my boobies look fantastic.  Definitely wearing flats with this dress or otherwise I will kill myself.  I just haven't found any that I like yet.

So I would say that today was a successful shopping day.  I got what I needed and didn't buy anything that I wasn't looking for.  Shopping is really easy when you don't really fit in anything anyways.  I wish I had a picture of how pregnant I looked at one point with an iced chai tea in one hand and cookies in the other wobbling around the mall.

What was the last special occasion you shopped for?

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